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Medium to Dark Roast Central American Coffee

  • Best use: Finest ground for a strong and rich flavour
  • Ground and whole beans
  • Roasted by Paul in Mon Petit Cottage (Bunclody)


These Central American beans are famous for their big flavors and no bitterness. They are 100% organic  and full of surprises!

These beans were roasted to perfection. Once grounded, they will release a stronger taste with almond notes and chocolate aromas.

They will get you ready for the day!

Make Coffee Great Again!

La note est de 5.0 sur cinq étoiles sur la base de 1 avis
PrixÀ partir de 7,19 €
225 Grammes
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7,99 €
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7,19 €chaque mois jusqu'à annulation
  • - Free Pick-up in our "Mon Petit Coffee Roasting" Shop

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